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The party branch of the comprehensive work of Xinxiang Sunrise Company held a branch meeting

Time:2023-10-07 Click:38

Recently, the comprehensive work party branch of Xinxiang Sunrise Company held a branch meeting to discuss the confirmation of two comrades, Zhong Xinsheng and Li Zhenhua, as development targets according to the requirements of the "double push" work of organizational development.
At the meeting, the two comrades separately reported on their respective ideological situations and expressed their strong desire to join the party organization. After the party member representatives and mass representatives attending the meeting fully expressed their opinions on the development target, after the party members and the masses voted by the party members and the masses, they unanimously agreed that the two comrades were confirmed as the development targets.

Finally, Comrade Wang Shibao, secretary of the party committee of Xinxiang Sunrise Company, who attended the meeting, delivered a concluding speech. He called on everyone to strengthen their belief in communism, listen to the party, feel the party's kindness, follow the party, grasp party building to promote production, and unite to promote the full development of the company's work. Everyone listened carefully and was deeply touched, and expressed their willingness to put their enthusiasm into their future work and life.
image Recently, in order to celebrate the birthday of the "July 1st" Party and welcome the victory of the "20th National Congress", the company's party committee will also hold a series of activities including leading cadres giving party classes and party member commendations.

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